Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Yr 12 Formal!!

Hey guys,

Just a few picks from the formal :)
Aaron, Danny, Jacob (Sasha), Me!

Me, Danny in his groovy top hat :P

My Sasha and ME.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fashion Blog

I was in the city a couple of weeks back, and as I was having lunch I dropped laksa on my pale pink top and white shorts - OMG I FREAKED!! So I had to buy new clothes to change into. I ended buying a dress that I would normally NEVER wear, but it was the only thing I could afford and even then it cost me 40 bux and the dress was EWW! So anyway, I had to use my scarf to make a belt because this dress was completely A-Line (eww).

As I was walking down the street, a photographer asked if she could take my photo. Francis Carleton is currently doing a fashion project called STREET FASHION. They were looking for ruffles and stuff, so apparently I fit the criteria. So she took my photo and put it on their blog. So check it out. They've got heaps of interesting stuff on there.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

NEW SHOES!! + In the city with Danny and Jacob

Jacob (my boyfriend) and myself in front of St Mary's Cathedral.

Outside St Mary's Cathedral.

My fried Danny and Myself.

Danny and Jacob.

MY NEW SHOES! Bought them from a shop named Kenzi in Newtown.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Nordic Blonde Intensive Lightener L1+ Review

WOW! This is by far the best lightener/bleach I've ever used! It's even better than the Nordic Blonde Ultimate Pre-lightener! I used the L1++ a few weeks ago and may hair came out yellow/orange. But I used this one on my roots and then on the rest of my hair and OMG my roots came out whiter than the rest of my hair! If I ever bleach my hair again I will DEFINITELY USE THIS ONE!

Sorry about the picture being so small...

Here are the results:

First bleach - used with Nordic Blonde  Ultimate Lightener L1++

Second Bleaching using Nordic Blonde Intensive Lightener L1+
Less orange and more yellow. The tips are whitish. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hairstyle for Formal

This is the hairstyle I'm going for - for my formal. Except, instead of copper red I'm hoping that I'll be close to Platinum Blonde by that point. I have about 3 weeks!

New Outfit for Formal!!

After receiving the dress I originally ordered, due to my  dodgy measurements, it was too long. It would have been easy to alter if only it weren't a wave hem. I decided to look for another dress. This is a dress by La Femme and cost $390 at The Doll House in Top Ryde. I'm going to get straps put on it.
I have two of these bracelets that will go beside the blue crystal bracelet (below)
Finally found the perfect clutch. GLITTER! to match my shoes XD

Awesome crystal royal blue bracelet.

My shoes XD

Go Blonder Lightening Shampoo and Condition review PLUS Nordic Blonde Blonde Toner Review!

So, after using John Freida's lightening shampoo and Conditioner for two weeks, I must say it works! BUT and this is a BIG BUT, you must use it everyday for best results and even better results IF you use the hair serum with it. Without the serum, and even not using it everyday my hair has lightened - not a lot, but a little. So I'd say it's great to use if you're trying to keep your hair blonde for longer. The shampoo makes my hair really dry, but the conditioner makes up for that. The conditioner is so smooth and silky soft. I highly recommend this product!

With these products I have also been using Nordic Blonde's Blonde Toner. I've use it only 4 times (and not everyday) but I notice the difference it makes. It comes out a vivid purple (don't panic, that's to eliminate the yellow tones from your hair) and smell a little like bubble gum. This drys out my hair but I use it in tandem with the lightening products by John Freida. 

SO this is what I recommend:
Step 1: Use Go Blonder Lightening Shampoo by John Frieda. Leave it in for 2-3 minutes.
Step 2: Use Nordic Blonde's Blonde Toner. Leave in for 5 minutes.
Step 3: Use Go Blonder Lightening Conditioner by John Freida. Leave in for 3-5 minutes.
Your hair hair will gradually become lighter without the harsh dry and brittleness of bleach AND it will feel silky soft every time you step out of the shower.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Go Blonder Lightening Shampoo - Sheer Blonde by John Frieda

My hair is yellow/blonde, so I thought that I should buy specific shampoo and conditioner for it. So I bought this product a couple of days ago, and I've used it once a day for two days. It's kind of hard to tell if there's actually any progress, but my hair should lighten a bit by the end of the week - providing I use it everyday. The shampoo makes your hair quite dry, but the conditioner makes up for it! The conditioner makes my hair feel incredibly soft and smooth. Apparently the product is more effective when you use the serum too, but I can't be bother buying it at the moment. So if you're blonde like me, go to the website and check it out. It might just be the thing you've been looking for.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So I've been looking all over the net for a good toner and as soon as I find one that look amazing someone else tells me that it ruined their hair. But FINALLY I found one that no one has complained about yet, so I went online and bought this toner here, which only cost 5 bux. It's called Schwarzkopf Blonde Toner Hair Repair. I've red that it's reusable and easy. You can also mix it in with your shampoo and conditioner. So I'm going to give it a try. As soon as I get it, I'll let you know if it's worth squat.

This toner only cost 5 dollars on a website called okme.com.au. They have a whole range of haircare products and more. It is also very cheap. But I think they only ship within Australia if your paying through BSB. But here's the link.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I got my hair done like this about a year ago. It was a great style and colour, but the red tips faded very quickly. I would recomend it though! The hairdresser dyed my hair red and then highlighted the tips. She then put more red and that's how I got the vibrant red.

I did this a few days ago. I bleached it using Nordic Blonde Ultimate Lightener. It worked really well. I could see my hair going lighter while I was still applying it! Only thing in, now I don't know how to go from this to platinum blonde. I've been searching the net for days and just can't find anything. I need help!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

How to stop the 'Clunk'

Okay, so I've been practicing walking my heels and I can't ignore the fact that I'm 'clunking' - you know, the sound you make when you stomp rather than walk. I know, it's going to take a while, but I'm looking for some advice (or a cure lol).

Figure 1.
So here are some tips:

1. Do it in stages.
- Start off with a low heel (such as a kitten heel).
- Then try a higher and thick heel (such as boots).
- After you feel comfortable walking in boots, try going to a thinner or stiletto heel (high, but no higher than 3 inches).
Figure 2.
- Then go to a 4 inch thick heel (such as figure 1).
- After dominating those, go for a stiletto heel (figure 2).

2. Practice is key. 
- Always practice walking in the desired heel a month or 2 before the actual occasion you want to wear them, that way you'll have gotten used to them and had experience with them on different surface types.
- Walk with your legs relatively straight and extend as you place your heel on the ground. NEVER put your entire weight on the stiletto as it could possibly snap - eek! Remember to keep your back straight and leaned your shoulder back a little. This will help with your posture, balance, and eventually speed when it comes to walking.

3. It's all in the preparation.
Figure 3.
- STRETCH!! Start with basic leg stretching (figure 3) and then stretch your back. This part is very important as it will prevent you from pain the next day. High heels really take its toll on your muscles, so if you're muscles are weak you will regret wearing heels. After doing the cobra stretch ( Figure 4), don't forget to roll into a ball shape hugging your knees - you need to relax your muscles after stretching.
- Ballet exercises will help you with your calve, back and ankle strength. Star by doing demi plies (Figure 7), rises (Figure 8), and stretching on the barre (or chair) for your back (Figure 5,6). And if you have one, use a theraband on your ankles to strengthen them (Figure 9).
Figure 4.
Figure 6.
Figure 5.
Figure 7.
Figure 8.
Figure 9.

4. After wearing your heels.
- Stretch your feet and toes. Spread your toes wide and do some more demi plies (this will help!!).
 - Do a gentile back stretch and then relax into a warn comfy bed!

Getting ready for my Yr 12 Formal!!

My formal is on the 23 of November, so excited! I bought my dress from a website called ilovedress.com. It has an amazing variety of dresses that are very cheap. I have not seen a dodgy dress on the site yet!

So far I've bought the dress and the shoes. I still need to get a handbag though. I want the bag to be sparkly like the shoes, but no white.

The dress itself costs $111(AU), but I forked out bloody $169 after getting it rushed, custom made, and then friken PayPal charged me like 10 bux. But anyway, regardless of that, altogether it is still cheap compared to the similar dresses at the stores that were $600. So I've definetly saved money. Originally I wanted a shoe, similar to below, that was $80. The difference was that the glitter was on the stilletto heel too and it was not a peep-toe pump. But I got this one instead, it cost $100, but I don't regret it. They are the most amazing shoes! They're quite high, but very comfortable. After a few weeks of practicing, I'll be dancing away on formal night.

Want the links?
IdressLove - Prom, Bridal, Homecoming, etc
Jocosa Sparkly Pumps